
Poster for flora's branding: a girl in a sunflowers field, holding a bouquet of sunflowers, one of them is hiding her face.
Project Date July, 2023
Client Google

Flora is a mobile app designed to connect local florists with customers, providing a seamless platform for users to browse, select, and order fresh flower arrangements for delivery to their doorstep. This case study explores how Flora transformed the traditional florist experience, enhancing customer convenience and revitalizing local floral businesses.

Design thinking helped to provide a structured and human-centered approach to developing the branding strategy. It helps deeply understand the audience's needs and preferences, fosters creative thinking for unique solutions, and ensures that the brand elements resonate effectively. By following the design thinking process, we can create a branding strategy that's not only innovative but also tailored to the specific wants and emotions of the target audience.


Local florists faced challenges in reaching a wider audience and adapting to changing consumer behaviors. The goal was to create an app that would:

Illustration of a board with a line going higher, representing increasment

Increase visibility

Enable local florists to showcase their creations to a larger customer base.

Basket icon

Streamline Ordering

Provide customers with an intuitive and convenient way to order flowers online.

Delivery icon

Facilitate Delivery

Implement a reliable delivery system to ensure timely and safe arrivals.


Flora developed an app with the following features:

components of the app: card with florist's details (logo, name, description, possibility to add them in favorite

Florist Profiles

components of the app: card for each product (image of the product, name, price, add button to add them in the basket)

Interactive Catalog

components of the app: tracking notification showing the status of the delivery (name of the shop, estimate time of arrival

Real-Time Tracking

components of the app: reviews from users about their experience with a shop and the delivery (name of the user, profile picture, rating given, review given

Review and Ratings


By prioritizing accessibility, we promote inclusivity, comply with legal requirements, broaden our audience, enhance user experience, and prepare for future technological advancements. Ultimately, digital accessibility ensures that technology is a tool for equality and participation for everyone.

Official illustration of digital accessibility: a person standing with his arms and legs apart

WCAG recommandations

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) provide guidelines for making digital content accessible to people with disabilities.

Pin icon

Optimized navigation

Accessibility features facilitate easy navigation for all users, ensuring a seamless and inclusive digital experience.

VoiceOver icon

VoiceOver features

VoiceOver is a screen reader built into Apple devices, enabling users with visual impairments to navigate and interact with the device using spoken descriptions.

Design system

Design systems are crucial for maintaining consistent and coherent design elements, fostering efficiency and a unified user experience across various products and platforms.





Flora's colors: main color: green; second: yellow-green; third: white; fourth: grey

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