
Mockup of Yuno's homepage, on a floral pink, blue with a white wall background
Project Date March, 2023
Role App, UI design
Client Yuno

Your guide to embracing a healthy eating journey, offering insights and practical know-how. Designed with busy young professionals in mind, Yuno empowers you to prioritize nutritious choices despite your time constraints.

Design thinking helped to provide a structured and human-centered approach to developing the branding strategy. It helps deeply understand the audience's needs and preferences, fosters creative thinking for unique solutions, and ensures that the brand elements resonate effectively. By following the design thinking process, we can create a branding strategy that's not only innovative but also tailored to the specific wants and emotions of the target audience.


Challenges for Yuno, the app which aimed at helping busy individuals maintain a healthy diet might include:

Clock icon

Time Constraints

Busy schedules leave little time for meal planning, preparation, and cooking.

Pizza icon

Convenience vs. Health

A desire for quick and convenient food options can often conflict with making healthy choices.

Coins icon


Healthy food options might sometimes be perceived as expensive compared to more readily available alternatives.


Yuno developed an app with the following features:

components of the app: card with recipe's information (photo of the meal, name of the recipe, quantity, time of preparation, ingredients required

Personalized Meal Plans

components of the app: recipe (ingredients and quantity, recipe explanationn step by step

Quick and Easy Recipes

components of the app: card of the product (illustration of the product, name, possibility to add to basket

Grocery Lists

components of the app: article about healthy diet and tips

Health Education


By prioritizing accessibility, we promote inclusivity, comply with legal requirements, broaden our audience, enhance user experience, and prepare for future technological advancements. Ultimately, digital accessibility ensures that technology is a tool for equality and participation for everyone.

3 mockups of different sizes: computer, tablet, phone

Design system

Responsive design is crucial as it ensures that websites and applications adapt seamlessly to various devices and screen sizes. This adaptability enhances user experience by ensuring easy navigation, readability, and functionality across smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.



Yuno's colors: main color: purple; second: light blue; third: white; fourth: grey

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